
Pengajaran & Pengajian Usul Fiqh Teaching & Studying Usul Fiqh
Isu-Isu Usul Fiqh Issues of Usul Fiqh
Sumbangan & Pemikiran Usuliyyin Usuliyyin’s Contribution & Thought
Sejarah Usul Fiqh History of Usul Fiqh
Qawaid Usuliyyah Qawaid Usuliyyah
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Fatwa Application of Usul Fiqh & Fatwa
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Perundangan / Kehakiman Syarie Application of Usul Fiqh & Legislation / Syarie Judiciary
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Fiqh Semasa Application of Usul Fiqh & Current Fiqh
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Muamalat Application of Usul Fiqh & Muamalat
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Perbankan Islam Application of Usul Fiqh & Islamic Banking
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Kewangan Sosial Islam Application of Usul Fiqh & Islamic Social Finance
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Ahwal Shakhsiyyah Application of Usul Fiqh & Ahwal Shakhsiyyah
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Halal Application of Usul Fiqh & Halal
Aplikasi Usul Fiqh & Perubatan / Pergigian Application of Usul Fiqh & Medicine / Dentistry
Usul Fiqh & Penyelidikan Usul Fiqh & Research
Usul Fiqh & Inovasi Usul Fiqh & Innovation
Usul Fiqh & Turath Usul Fiqh & Turath
Usul Fiqh & Wathiqah Mekah Usul Fiqh & Mecca Wathiqah

Kertas Kerja boleh ditulis dan dibentangkan dalam bahasa Melayu, Arab atau Inggeris.

Papers can be written and presented in Malay, Arabic or English.

Sebahagian kertas kerja terpilih akan diterbitkan dalam jurnal terbitan Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, jurnal luar terpilih dan dalam Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL), USIM yang bertaraf Scopus Q1. Semua kertas kerja tertakluk kepada penilaian.

All papers will be published in the e-Proceedings of iSUFI 2024. The papers published in the e-Proceedings of iSUFI 2024 are only in the form of an extended abstract that does not exceed five (5) pages.

Semua kertas kerja akan diterbitkan dalam e-Prosiding iSUFI 2024. Kertas kerja yang diterbitkan dalam e-Prosiding iSUFI 2024 hanyalah berbentuk extended abstract (abstrak lanjutan) yang tidak melebihi lima (5) muka surat.

Some of the selected papers will be published in journals published by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, selected external journals and in the Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL), USIM which has a Scopus Q1 rating. All papers are subject to assessment.